How do immigrants help the economy?

Immigrants in the United States make up more than a third of the workforce in some industries. About 78 percent of the foreign-born population is of working age (18 – 64), and they make an important contribution to the U.S. economy, increasing productivity and size of the labor force. 

The United States is a county of immigrants, and we will describe how they constantly help the economy. 

Three ways in which immigrants help the U.S. economy:


A recent study shows that 25% of U.S. entrepreneurs are immigrants. They have founded their own companies creating thousands of jobs. These entrepreneurs are stimulating the next generation of fast-growing and ground-breaking companies. Their creativity and innovation position them as pioneers in new industries growing the economy.

Geographic Mobility & Labor Market

The reality is that immigrants move to where the jobs are. They are likely to transfer from one location of residence to another, relocating more than natives. Immigrants work the jobs that many U.S. residents are unwilling to do in areas and industries with a need for workers. This helps local economies respond to worker shortages. 

Improve the health of the Social Security trust fund

Contrary to what people may think, immigrants support the social security reserve as they are, on average younger than the native-born population and have a higher propensity to be part of the labor force. As immigrants boost the number of new workers and do not immediately add more beneficiaries, they have higher workforce participation and lower unemployment rates. 

For these and many other reasons, immigration makes the U.S. a stronger nation. When immigrants enter the labor force, the increased productive capacity of the economy increases and raises the GDP. The U.S. is more effective and has a larger economy with immigrants.

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